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Caru Cabin in France, what3words

What is what3words?

What3words is a system that helps you go straight to any point on the planet. It divides the whole world into a grid of 3m by 3m squares and assigns each one a unique three-word address that can be navigated to on your phone. It’s far more accurate than a postcode or trying to remember what that person you asked five miles ago actually said. We're working to implement a what3words address on all of our places, so that you don’t get lost however deep into the wilderness you go.

How to use what3words

1. Click onto a place, find the 'location' tab and click on the what3words address underneath the map 

Locations tab for what3words

2. You'll be taken to the what3words map, click on the highlighted address to bring up the sidebar

what3words map
what3words map with navigation

3. Click on the navigation arrow on the right-hand sidebar and you'll be able to select your chosen app that will direct you straight to your destination 

what3words map with sidebar

The free What3words app can be downloaded from the App store or Google Play. If you would like to find out more about what3words then click here -