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The Feel Good 100

Welcome to the The Feel Good 100, where we've distilled our years of experience in wandering around outside into ten ways to feel good in nature. From dappled sunlight to starlit skies, we’ll be sharing the 100 places where you’ll laugh harder, sleep deeper, and feel better than ever.   

We’ll be introducing you to a different method each week as well as giving you the chance to win some amazing prizes.

No. 31-40: Starbathing

At the Pond, Somerset

31. Float in space

Take your chance on a clear, still night, to sink into the tub on the deck and be surrounded by stars, as they sparkle above you and beside you, reflected in the water of the pond. With nobody around for miles and no distractions, it'll feel like you're floating through space.

Large bowl bath in wooden cabin
The Moon Cocoon, Ceredigion

32. Moon and stars

Moon Cocoon tricks you into thinking there’s simply nothing more dazzling, with colourful interiors, bluebell carpets in spring and birds pirouetting through the thicket. Wander straight from freestanding bath to firepit, to discover the amber warmth of sunset has turned to onyx, speckled in light.

Holly at Hesleyside, Northumberland

33. In a dark sky park

Marvel at its lofty ceilings, epic doors or the chandelier. Admire the rich woods seamlessly blending with bright colours and gold. When doors open, the smell of pine from the surrounding woodland drifts in. The stars will put on a show just for you as you simmer in the hot tub.

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