We are always eager for our Owners to choose environmentally-friendly facilities in their space. Additions such as eco-friendly toilets and showers aren’t only great for the environment but are more flexible in terms of their positioning, allowing you more room to get creative. Our guests also love to feel off-grid, and these additions let them feel even closer to nature. Take a look at our friends and partners in these areas and do contact us if you want to know more about their exclusive offers and discounts.
We encourage our Owners to incorporate a compost loo on their site as they are more environmentally conscious and use much less water. Quirky Huts offer attractive and practical solutions which enable you to avoid chemical toilets, such as compost loos and outdoor shower huts. These can be tailored to suit your requirements.
Thunderbox are another brilliant alternative to chemical toilets and use sustainably-sourced durable timber. You can purchase a Thunderbox either as a DIY kit (we recommend this as you will then know how to put it up and manage the compost side of things) or they can come and install it for you.
These compost toilet specialists offer a great service, as well as a 5% discount that is available for all Canopy & Stars owners. With no requirement for electricity, water or drainage, they are a great solution for even the most remote sites.
Perfect if you are looking for a propane-powered gas shower that can be run literally anywhere. We’ve seen some great examples of unique showers, all of which have proved popular with guests. We’ve even seen a watering can shower, so don’t be afraid to get creative.