When the busy season comes to an end, it's time to take care of any maintenance issues, site updates and admin so that you can run right through the high season as smoothly as possible. Taking a moment to get those little jobs done now can save you a lot of stress, bad feedback and lost revenue as the year goes on. Here are some things you might like to consider:
Inside your space/(s)
Outside your space/(s)
Weather prep
Test & learn
This article on ensuring great feedback has a good checklist to use to ensure you’ve covered everything.
Health & Safety
You should always check that smoke alarms, wood burners and first aid kits in the space are working and up to date. For a more in-depth look at health and safety requirements, read our Health & Safety Tips article.
We share all your feedback with you as it comes in. Take time to read through the suggestions and niggly bits. If there's anything that keeps cropping up, it's probably worth addressing. Speak to your Account manager if you’d like us to send you a full feedback report.
Guest information
Go paperless with Touch Stay: we have an exclusive 10% off.
Take half an hour and read through your listing(s). Has anything changed? Are we meeting and/or managing guests’ expectations? If you’re not sure whether to tell guests about the bumpy track to the cabin, or the noisy cattle who frequent the field next door, err on the side of caution, email us and we’ll add it in. You can send any page updates to owners@canopyandstars.co.uk.
Calendars & Calendar sync
Whether you manually update your C&S calendar or use calendar sync, it’s a good idea to check your bookings and availability every now and again so we don’t risk a double booking and save you any surprise arrivals.
You can access your calendar(s) via the owner area, review all your confirmed 2023 bookings and download our calendar sync guide. If you’re not sure about anything you find in the admin area, please contact us.
We hope you've found some of this useful and if you want to talk to the Owners Team about anything in this article or other advice, please email owners@canopyandstars.co.uk and we'll arrange to call you.