We all know the drill, birthday, Mother’s & Father’s Day, Christmas, it all rolls around and leaves us stumped for ideas. Where, you internally scream, will I find something in time, that he/she/they will actually use? More importantly, what could I buy for them, that suits their fascination with wildlife and the outdoors? So, out of the kindness of our hearts (and perhaps a small percentage of self-interest), we’ve curated a list of the best gifts for wildlife lovers.
Of all the gifts we could recommend, this may be the best gift for wildlife lovers. Split into 12 sections, The Almanac: A seasonal Guide to 2023, is a yearly guide to the ever changing carousel of seasons -- and the splendour of the natural world that unfolds with them. The perfect guide to help direct your adventures, and tickle your curiosity. The best part of all? No confusion over what you can get them next year, so long as they don't beat you to it.
At 574 species of birds in the UK alone, you'd hope this would be keep your wildlife enthusiast busy. As ever the leading expert, and friendly neighbourhood advisor on all things Ornithological, the RSBP has released its 5th edition of the Handbook of British Birds. With clear artwork depicting the every detail needed to spot the many wing-ed creatures of the British Isles, alongside explanations of behaviour, habitat, seasonal movements and much more -- it's the ultimate guide to the sky high.
With more and more on the news about the devastation of bio-diversity and animal habitats, it's easy to wonder, 'what can I really do?'. Well, as it turns out, it might be as simple as starting in your own back garden. Another winner from the RSPB, is their book on gardening for wildlife. From growing flowers for bees, to berries for the birds, choose flora for your fauna, with a wildlife calendar to help you plan what to do when.
Typically less concerned by touching and finding the creepiest and crawliest of nature's bounty, kids are easily fascinated by the alien-esque world of tiny creatures they can find in the garden or on the go. Why? Who knows. Perhaps it's because they're within easy reach. None the less, TV presenter and insect enthusiast George C. McGavin's aptly named book: Insects is a colourful and useful guide to 550 different creatures small and... smaller.
Reminiscent more of community service than of fun, this may seem an odd choice for your little one. But bizarrely enough, there's little as novel as being able to pick things up at a distance. In fact, you might even keep it for yourself. The best gift for a wildlife loving kid, keep them entertained whilst you search the wild for things to spot, with this little litter picker. They can give back without even realising. Points for the most plastic picked up!
An easy pairing with George C. McGavin's book, a Triplet Loupe (Essentially a magnifying glass) is a wonderful gift. Cheap, and simple, but a lifetime of use if looked after properly. Ignoring the new fascination your kid will have with every surface, they're amazing to observe small creatures and insects out and about, or in the back garden. Just make sure they don't bring them indoors for closer inspection.
If you've ever been stung by a swarm of bees, spat on by a Llama or got up to your ankle in cow pat, perhaps you've had enough of walking off the beaten path. Sometimes there's a beaten path for a reason. Give the gift of carefully curated paths, walks and perhaps even a cream tea, with a National Trust Membership.
£76.80 per year
Mesmerising, tasteful and frankly rather fascinating, artist Alexia Claire's paintings of British Wildlife paintings depict all the animals and plants that make the UK the vision of diversity we want to continue seeing. From mushrooms to murders of crows, billowings of bullfinches to Butterflies, there's something beautiful to adorn any wall. The best wildlife gift for someone wanting a little wild at home.
Chances are, if you're on the hunt for wildlife, you're in the great outdoors. To make the best use of it, you'll likely need what any hiker, wildlife observer or adventurer would need to bring out with them. The most important of which, a bag! Sliding towards the pricey end of the best wildlife gifts is Patagonia's 'Black Hole Pack'. Why so costly? When looking for rucksacks, it's always better to spend the extra cash, and get something that'll last. Made from recycled fabric, tough, weather resistant and a decent capacity, it's a good choice for someone special's birthday, and the best wildlife gift for first timers.
There's a moment, usually halfway up a large hill, where you stop, gaze into the distance at the stunning panorama in view -- and think 'Gosh, my ears ache'. It's a pain packing to go anywhere, and moreover, even harder when weight isn't tested by an angry airline host, but instead, by your spine. A literal must of outdoorsmanship, the snood is indispensable. A scarf, a hat, a wrist-warmer, and vitally an earmuff, the buff will defend your any and every need. Not the first wildlife gift you'd think of, but incredibly useful all the same.
Biased though we may be, we’d have to recommend our very own Gift Cards. We’d be thrilled just to know you’re out exploring the wild – but sometimes, you need a treat. Scrap that, you deserve a treat. Get a map, drop a finger, go and explore – and stay long enough to spot comets in the night sky, and hear the local dawn chorus. We have gift cards for weddings, groups bookings or simply just your lovely self.
This year we launched our Wild Cards, a deck of inspiring words of wisdom from across the ages and around the world. Wild Cards are a tool for self discovery and reconnection with nature, giving you simple daily tips and provocations to help you consider your place in the natural world. Carry them with you and flip one over whenever you need a moment of contemplation, or disrupt poker night with a full house of kings and earthy thoughts.
Don’t judge a book by its cover is frankly, nonsense. That’s why books have covers. Ours, for instance, is beautifully crafted, linen-finished and wrapped around a compendium of thought-provoking essays from adventurers, writers, our own team and even a chef. With stunning imagery from cover to cover, Stay Wild’s content is interspersed with some of the most awe-inspiring highlights of our stays, and makes for at best a fascinating read, and at worst, the pièce de resistance of your coffee table.
Our Free Guide to Nature Spotting for Kids
Lastly, and in some ways the best gift for a wildlife lover – A Guide to Nature Spotting for Kids. A booklet for those in love with exploration and adventure, with four packs full of amazing facts, games, puzzles and jokes, you may ask yourself how, HOW, is this free?