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Elderflower Cordial Recipe

We love a simple recipe that can be made whilst we're out and about on glamping trips. We made this recently on a trip to Penhein in Monmouthshire from foraged elderflowers and it was a delicious addition to a summer barbeque!


  • Around 20 elderflower head
  • Zest and juice of two lemons
  • 1kg sugar


Boil 1.5 litres water in a big pan and stir in the sugar until it has all dissolved.

Gently rinse the elderflower heads by dipping them in water - check carefully for pesky spiders!

Add the flower heads and the lemon zest and juice to the pan of water and simmer until the liquid is reduced by about half. Leave it all overnight to infuse.

The next morning, strain the liquid through a clean tea towel into a large bowl and carefully pour the cordial into a clean, sterilised bottle for storage.

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