Raise an issue | Canopy & Stars

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Raise an issue

We’ve personally inspected all our places and trust our owners to provide an experience you’ll love, but we know things don’t always go to plan. We deal with any complaints we receive on a personal basis. You’ll never get a stock response and you won’t be ignored. If it’s clear something has happened that we or the owners could and should have avoided, we’ll do our best to make things right. Here’s what to do if you have a problem: 

Talk to the owners 

Most issues – a missing corkscrew, a wobbly hinge – can easily be solved during your stay, so it’s important that you contact the owners while you’re there. They’re helpful, generous people who will do what they can to ensure you have a great time. Even if they can’t fix the problem for you, it’s good to have made them aware of the situation, as it helps with any disputes over refunds and compensation. If you don’t speak to the owners during your stay, it can be hard for us to assess what’s happened, but you should take photos or videos where applicable to help give us a clear picture.  

Let us know 

Whether or not the issue is dealt with at the time, we want to know about it. Please get in touch as soon as possible by emailing info@canopyandstars.co.uk. We aim to respond within one working day to acknowledge your email. We'll then review your feedback and investigate. This can mean discussing your concerns with the owner, revising the website listing, and reviewing previous guest feedback and our own inspection notes. This process can take time to complete, so please allow around seven working days for a final response. 

Our feedback survey 

During this time, you’ll also receive our automatic feedback survey email. We’d love for you to fill this out as well, as the broader information gathered there helps our owners maintain and improve the experiences they provide. 

Our service 

If you have a complaint about us or our service, we want to know about that too. Get in touch with our Guest Experience Team by emailing info@canopyandstars.co.uk. We’ll respond within 48 hours to address your concerns and do our best to put things right.